Of course I was spending my night reading through my favorite blog, Hostess With The Mostess. She was talking about the
Budget Savvy Bride Contest (which you have to check out) and all the great ideas these brides had. The wedding that talked about hosting a California wedding on half the budget caught my eye. From creating her own invites, centerpieces, and using the amazing internet (Ebay), she was able to hold a FANTASTIC wedding on a limited budget.
The best part though was her idea for the honeymoon:
A Honeymoon Registry, How Novel! – Ever since I was 11 years old, I have wanted to go to Japan. Fortunately for me, this was a place to visit at the top of my husband’s list. However, with the price of tickets and the poor exchange rate, this is a trip we never would have been able to afford on our own. So, instead of registering for things for the house, we registered for a trip of a lifetime. We created a website with an itinerary and list of things we wanted to do. Guests got excited about the trip and were able to contribute by buying us these activities. The first thing purchased off the honeymoon registry was Sumo Wrestling Tickets. We were so thrilled! Thanks to our honeymoon registry, we were able to go on the amazing trip and have it 100% paid for. (Thanks to “Project Wedding” –
It’s All About The Priorities)
This is such a great idea! Today, a lot of brides and grooms actually live with one another before they get married (sorry mom!) so the need for silverware, vases, home goods, etc. are not necessary – but who doesn’t love the idea of getting their honeymood paid for?!?
Thanks for the brilliant idea Project Wedding – great find!
Continue to Elevate,
My husband and I decided not to have any wedding gifts on our big day, instead, we had all our friends and family chipp in on our honeymoon! we travelled around Europe for 3 weeks, it was amazing!
My husband and I decided not to have any wedding gifts on our big day, instead, we had all our friends and family chipp in on our honeymoon! we travelled around Europe for 3 weeks, it was amazing!