Presents. Oh the glorious excitement that is a present. Anticipation, joy, surprise and desire all wrapped up with a pretty little bow and it has your name on it! – oh wait that was yesterday.
Well in sticking with our present theme (all puns intended) let’s focus on the etiquette of the gift getter. Many guests of honor feel as though they must open their gifts at the event, working hard to offer just the right amount of “oohs” and “awws” and “oh I just love it” to make sure each guest feels as though their present was the perfect gift.
Alternatively, the gift givers (no matter if they are 4 or 54-years-old) are plagued with a series of emotions that run the spectrum of boredom, jealousy and regret that their gift might not match up.
Please allow us to relieve both parties of the present duty! Proper etiquette dictates that gifts need not and should not be opened at the party. This allows everyone to enjoy the event and all it has to offer. Open those oh-so-generous gifts post-event and be sure to promptly send a hand-written, personalized thank you note. Believe me…your guests will be doubly pleased!
Dream Big.
Im with you on the pretty chairs. But far worse than the white folding kind is the banquet chair (you know the kind, ugly fabric, round back) or even worse the metal folding kind! Chairs make such a difference in a room full of them.