There is nothing bland, generic or dry aboutSeattle-based
DRY Soda Co.From the bottles’ amazing design,sure tocompliment any eventdecor, to sophisticatedflavors like Cucumber, Kumquat, Lavender, Lemongrass (my favorite!) and Vanilla Bean, this is a guarantee to make you all bubbly!
Even better, each twelve-ounce bottle of DRY Soda is all-natural,totally kosher andcontains just 45-70 calories. They are great for a refreshing spa day, divine with your party design and wonderful as a mixer for cocktails!Guilt freeand pretty = heaven!
There tag line says it all – “Drink DRY and celebrate your everyday. Serve DRY and elevate your every occasion” Well if that isn’t fab, I don’t know what is!
So, who is ready for some of their ownmixology this weekendwith DRY Sodas?! WE ARE!
Dream Big.