August 12, 2009
We are of that age where all of our friends are getting married and having babies and are the “happiest they have ever been in their whole lives” blah blah blah! Ok, and as event planners we hope that people keep have momentous occasions that are cause for celebrations, and well, EVENTS! That is how we stay “Happily” employed! But for the friend and family member in us, ENOUGH ALREADY! I don’t need to see the thousandth super cute baby picture or the 1 millionth honeymoon picture. I GET IT. REALLY. I GET IT.
That being said, I fully support the latest trend in sharing these wonderful memories…personal and family blogs! BRILLIANCE ELEVATED! This means that instead of mailing me a picture every single week or your little darling to chart his growth or calling me to gush all about the latest romantic thing your schmoopy did for you…POST IT! You can write, gush, post pictures, video and rant and rave about how insanely happy you are and save all those memories forever and ever and not bombard those of us that still want to be your friend sans the mushy, feelings stuff. We can visit your blog whenever we want to get an update or be reminded just how cute your lil one is or how lovely it is to be in love. Pulling content instead of forcing it is a beautiful, beautiful thing.
Here are a couple examples of people we think are sharing nicely!
Ahh Social Media…not just for the tech geeks anymore!
Dream Big.
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