February 26, 2009

  1. J says:

    From a person who does not have a set schedule of work or life, I completely agree! When you are busy, whether it is work related or not time seems to fly or disappear. Like when you are at a football game and your team (SC) is dominating the competition… You forget about time, you’re just antsy in your pantsies for the next big play!!

    Isn’t that what majority of society does? Just keep truck’n till the next big thing? Maybe? Or is that is just me?…

    Congrats on your successful events, that is great news! I wish only the best success!

  2. J says:

    From a person who does not have a set schedule of work or life, I completely agree! When you are busy, whether it is work related or not time seems to fly or disappear. Like when you are at a football game and your team (SC) is dominating the competition… You forget about time, you’re just antsy in your pantsies for the next big play!!

    Isn’t that what majority of society does? Just keep truck’n till the next big thing? Maybe? Or is that is just me?…

    Congrats on your successful events, that is great news! I wish only the best success!

  3. M. says:


    First, Great SHOUT OUT for my TROJANS! Second, I could not agree more. I think we are all waiting for the next big thing, but some people just sit back and wait and others, well others go after it! THEY MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN! I hope we both are the latter!

    Thanks for the well wishes. We are definitely truckin in the right direction.

    Dream Big.

  4. M. says:


    First, Great SHOUT OUT for my TROJANS! Second, I could not agree more. I think we are all waiting for the next big thing, but some people just sit back and wait and others, well others go after it! THEY MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN! I hope we both are the latter!

    Thanks for the well wishes. We are definitely truckin in the right direction.

    Dream Big.

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