Ok why is that you are either completely bored off you’re a$$ or you are insanely busy, with no time to breathe. Why can’t it ever just be balanced? It has been quite some time since I have updated you on the State of Intertwined or my sanity for that matter and that in itself should speak to how slammed we are. Because, lets face it, you know how much I love to talk about myself and our company! (I kid, I kid, sort of!)
We finished out 2 big events last week. And before you go assuming we have completely conquered the events world (thank you!) no, we did not do the Oscars (yet!). Thoughts, on that by the way?? Better than past years, right! But our events were quite successful too! Go team go.
We are also in what we affectionately call “Camp Crack Mode.” Its this all encompassing, intense time where K. and I bury ourselves in everything and anything that is planning our events for our non-profit for adults and children with disablities,
ReCreation Camp, including recruiting campers and volunteers, creating amazing programs and navigating an always dwindling budget. Oh, and all while planning our April weekend camp for the same group. CAMP CRACK! (PS check out the
One Camp, One Dream video, it will change your life or at least your mood!)
So we’ve got events, camps and more proposals out to potential clients than ever before! On that note, our girl T. has joined us as our first official Sales Exec. We love that game. Sell lady sell. We will introduce you to her very soon. And I need you to give a big round of applause to Miss K. who in about 4 hours is about to become a home owner for the very first time. Stimulate that! (I am sure a post about that will be coming soon!)
New company, new associates, new home, hopefully new clients…we are in Heaven! Yes, that’s right we have never been happier. We are just those crazy lunatics that thrive when our lives are moving at the speed of light. Balance…pshhh who needs balance. We need busy. We are better when we are busy!
By the way, how are you? (And we really do want to know!)
Dream Big.
From a person who does not have a set schedule of work or life, I completely agree! When you are busy, whether it is work related or not time seems to fly or disappear. Like when you are at a football game and your team (SC) is dominating the competition… You forget about time, you’re just antsy in your pantsies for the next big play!!
Isn’t that what majority of society does? Just keep truck’n till the next big thing? Maybe? Or is that is just me?…
Congrats on your successful events, that is great news! I wish only the best success!
From a person who does not have a set schedule of work or life, I completely agree! When you are busy, whether it is work related or not time seems to fly or disappear. Like when you are at a football game and your team (SC) is dominating the competition… You forget about time, you’re just antsy in your pantsies for the next big play!!
Isn’t that what majority of society does? Just keep truck’n till the next big thing? Maybe? Or is that is just me?…
Congrats on your successful events, that is great news! I wish only the best success!
First, Great SHOUT OUT for my TROJANS! Second, I could not agree more. I think we are all waiting for the next big thing, but some people just sit back and wait and others, well others go after it! THEY MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN! I hope we both are the latter!
Thanks for the well wishes. We are definitely truckin in the right direction.
Dream Big.
First, Great SHOUT OUT for my TROJANS! Second, I could not agree more. I think we are all waiting for the next big thing, but some people just sit back and wait and others, well others go after it! THEY MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN! I hope we both are the latter!
Thanks for the well wishes. We are definitely truckin in the right direction.
Dream Big.