Wedding Wednesdays! – DIY Coffee Books

February 3, 2010

  1. Maria Schinderle says:

    Oh you are more than welcome, my darling girl. I sure do miss those tents. What great parties we had. I think it is high time to revisit a tent party in the back yard! BTW, I knew you were going to grow up to be an event planner when at 3 yers old you became concerned if the day did not go how you planned it the night before. “But Mommie, that is not how I planned itoooo”. Have a great day..oh wait you will because you planned it that way.

  2. Intertwined says:

    Ha ha Thanks Ma but I think you meant to comment on the following post about Event Tents…and yes…Tent Party time it is for sure! You just let us know when!
    Love you,

  3. Jennifer S. says:

    I made our photo book that will become our day of guest book on My Canvas and ordered it through Tiny Prints (i had a coupon code). I was so impressed with the professional quality of the book. We opted for a custom photo hard cover (not a sleeve) with a silk spine and matching silk case to slip it into. it’s board bound so the thick pages lay completely flat for guests to sign, plus the cardstock-like paper is high quality so the words written won’t fade with time. It’s breathtakingly beautiful and I’m so happy we have our engagement photos to showcase to our wedding guests in this way.

  4. Intertwined says:

    Jennifer S.!
    Thank you for sharing your awesome ideas and fabulous creation with us! Loves it! We wish you the very best on your most brilliant day!

    M. and Intertwined

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